How to show style pane in word 2016 mac
How to show style pane in word 2016 mac

how to show style pane in word 2016 mac

If your list doesn’t include the styles you want to use, check the “List:” drop down at the bottom to switch between “Recommended,” “Styles in Use,” “In Current Document,” and “All Styles.” See the drop-down arrow for all of these options: This top section makes it easy to bulk select text, create new custom styles, or modify the ones you’ve used (or want to use) in your document. This tool gives you a quick way to preview the styles available, whether or not they appear in your home ribbon, and it stays open as you navigate the rest of your editing tools. Most of the improved style tools are in the Styles Pane accessible from the Home menu: We’ve had some time to use this new version and found that it makes using Styles significantly easier with a few simple changes. We posted back in September that Word 2016 was finally available for Mac Users.

How to show style pane in word 2016 mac